“XX WHERE THE HEART SHOULD BE”–new from Todd Verow

“XX Where the Heart Should Be”

New from Todd Verow

Amos Lassen

For as long as I can remember I have been a fan of Todd Verow’s film and I think that is because he dares to go where others do not dare. While his films may not always succeed, they always push the envelope and I really admire that. In fact as I write this, I have been enjoying looking at his films once again and discovering ideas that I missed on previous viewings. I just finished “Between Something and Nothing” and realize what a brilliant film it is.

However, I am here to review his latest, “”XX Where the Heart Should Be” which is released by WaterBearer Films and I must say, it is not like anything I have seen before. This is a collection of 20 short films that according to the subtitle “herald the end of times”. We have characters that are waiting for something although they are not quite sure just what it is although we know that it is apocalyptic. We sense the fear and the longing that the characters feel. Naturally this is an experimental film because none of us can have any idea what it is liked to sense the end of time.

It is interesting to consider how we might act in such a situation. In Verow’s film some try to escape either sexually, physically, emotionally or by a combination of these and then there are others who eagerly await the end and we see that there are no crimes at the end of time. Therefore anything goes, fantasies are lived, violence comes to fore and life changes when death knocks on the door.

I love Verow’s in your face, f*** you attitude. He doesn’t just give us a film, he gives us an experience and not many have the ability to do that. Something tells me that this is a very personal film that shows us just how he feels about both sex and love and I had the sense that both had outlived their primes. This is a hard film to watch and I have learned that the text of the screenplay is based upon letters that Verow received from ex-lovers. Verow, himself, is in the film and we see him and his boyfriend having sex and then are other actors who assume the role of Todd Verow at various stages of his life. We get some of his memories which are quite painful. More than anything else we are faced with a graphic film which some may find offensive and that is because it is so realistic. People do not like to face a future of which they are not sure while realists are ready and eager to find the truth in what is coming. Verow gives us that truth and he gives us a beauty that is uniquely his. He shows us detachment in the guise of beauty, something we do not usually see. Verow bombards us with emotions and with hose emotions and the truth that he provides we feel that we have indeed done something rare by sitting thorough the film. The film rattles us and yet it is also comforting in a very strange way.

Do not ask me to classify the film or say what kind of film it is because I can’t. I find myself thinking a great deal about it and not because of its brazenness but because it makes me think.

See the trailer:


  1. “XX WHERE THE HEART SHOULD BE”– New from Todd Verow | Reviews by Amos Lassen

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