“Wings of Love”– losing and winning

Cade, Scotty. “Wings of Love”, Dreamspinner Press, 2011.

Losing and Winning

Amos Lassen

Let’s talk about Scotty Cade for a moment. “Wings of Love” is his second book. I was amazed that his first novel “Final Encore” was so well written and I commented in my review that I thought we was on the way to becoming a new force in GLBT literature. He then came along and outdid himself with “Wings”. I opened the book about two hours ago and he pulled me so much on the first page that I sat and read the entire book in one sitting. His descriptions of how a formerly “straight” man becomes involved in a gay sexual relationship are on the button.

I also remarked in my earlier review that Cade builds real characters and the two main characters he gives us here are just that. Bradford (Brad) Mitchell loses his partner of 15 years to colon cancer and feels that he just can’t go on. He decides to put his past behind him, leave Seattle and his medical practice to move to Alaska and hopefully be able to get over Jeff, his late lover. He felt that Alaska was the place to be even though he and Jeff spent many happy times there but for Brad it seems to signify a new start.

When Brad gets to Alaska, he needs to get to the place where he usually stays and that requires him to find Mac Cleary, the pilot that always flew he and Jeff there. Little did he know that Mac had also suffered a loss—his wife and common grief brings the two men together. Little did either know that they would find love in each others’ arms. Mac had never entertained a gay thought before but when he and Brad buy a place together, he realizes something he had never felt before.

Aside from a wonderful love story, this is a tale of sexual awakening which develops out of a mutual need. Even though the sexual encounters are not especially tender, neither are they gratuitous and the story flows beautifully. So again I say, watch Scotty Cade—he is going places.

  1. #1 by Patricia on February 23, 2011 - 12:43 pm

    Amos, fantastic review! I recently read Wings of Love and was absolutely enthralled by the book. I couldn’t put the book down, I was @ work and read it on breaks…it was that addicting for me.

    Mr. Cade is one author I will always watch ….he’s that good.!

    • #2 by amosllassen on February 23, 2011 - 12:45 pm

      Yes Patricia, he is excellent, Thanks for the comment.

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